Arts Monday 1 July 2013

Wade Marynowsky & Michael Candy, Fish & Chips, 2013. Commissioned by Campbelltown Arts Centre for Catching Light. Courtesy of the artist.
ArtiFacts Eastside.
Join me, Jane Raffan, for a program looking at Catching Light, an exhibition of art using analogue and digital technologies, currently on view at the Campbelltown Arts Centre as part of ISEA2013 – the 19th International Symposium on Electronic Art.
My guest is co-curator Megan Monte. We’ll be chatting about the exhibition, which has brought together creative innovators from the analogue and early digital era together to mentor, collaborate and exchange ideas with a new generation of artists.
This cross-generational project focuses on mentoring and interaction. The collaborative process opens up conversations about technology, performance and conceptual ideas, and how this informs the engagement of artist/artwork and the artwork/audience.
More on the exhibition here:
More on ISEA2013 here:
And the music? We’ll be listening to avant garde jazz using new technologies as well as a range of songs reflecting the concerns and influences of one of the artist pairings: Linda Dement and Kelly Doley, whose powerful work 50BPM is a feminist rallying cry and political lament. So, stay tuned for a dose of Aretha, Gaynor, Reddy and more!
Other artist pairings: Stephen Jones and Pia van Gelder, Troy Innocent and Benjamin Kolaitis, Wade Marynowsky and Michael Candy, Tom Ellard and Paul Greedy.
As always, I look forward to your company, 10:30 to noon.