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by reception
posted 09/04/2012

Arts Tuesday – Bridging the Gap: the artistic process

Arts Tuesday – Bridging the Gap: the artistic process

– tune in 10:30am-12pm on the 10th April on 89.7fm or listen online at eastsidefm.org/listenonline

Note: Jesse Stokes presents Arts Tuesday while Gaz Simpson & Diana Simmonds are on leave.


“[Songwriting] It’s like translation. Anything that has to travel all the way down from your cerebellum to your fingertips, there’s a lot of things that can happen on that journey. Sometimes I’ll listen to records, my own stuff, and I think god, the original idea for this was so much better than the mutation that we arrived at. What I’m trying to do now is get what comes and keep it alive. It’s like carrying water in your hands. I want to keep it all, and sometimes by the time you get to the studio you have nothing.”

Tom Waits – ‘Summit Talk: Eavedropping on Elvis Costello and Tom Waits’ – Option, July 1989


Joseph Cindric - Richard Goodwin

Joseph Cindric - Richard Goodwin


Bridging the Gap: the artistic Process : how do artists and people involved in the creative industries manage to bridge the gap between inspiration and and a completed work? Join us as we discuss:

  • How they transform an intangible idea into a piece that others can view and interact with?
  • How they overcome roadblocks (i.e. problem solving and writers block)?
  • How do they source their inspiration?
  • Why the finished product might end up being totally different from the initial conception due to ‘real world’ requirements?
  • If their experience of the creative process influences the way they feel about their finished project?
…and much, much more as the live interview process and guests themselves influence and morph my initial concept of the show! Is 10:30am too early for your dose of required daily ‘meta intake’?


  • Oliver Burton – a member of the Bard to the Bone Impro group, secretary for the Impro Australia Board and Business Director of Sport For Jove Theatre.
  • Steph Jansen  – a singer/songer writer who has recently released a Country Music EP ‘Risky’
  • Richard Goodwin  – A well known and widely exhibited Artist, prominent Architect and Professor at COFA

Links and Media

Impro Australia - Live Performance

Impro Australia - Live Performance

Bard to the Bone performance dates and locations –
Steph Jansen’s website where you can find out more about her and where she is touring – www.stephaniejansen.com.au
Richard Goodwin's Studio - Where They Create by Paul Barbera

Richard Goodwin's Studio - Where They Create by Paul Barbera


Richard Goodin’s blog – https://richard-goodwin.com/web/


 The Trolley Man Imortalised – https://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/blog/index.php/tag/richard-goodwin/