Arts Wednesday 4 September 2013
In the first half hour, I continue my pursuit of unusual musical instruments and this week it is the Serpent. I recorded Scott Kinmont in his studio at the Conservatorium last week and you will hear him play as well as tell us about this extraordinary instrument. When Scott isn’t playing the Serpent, he is Associate Principal Trombone with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
My special guest at 11:00 am is Mitchell Librarian Richard Neville, making a most welcome return to Arts Wednesday. We discuss the Queiros Memorials, a series of 14 letters written by de Queiros to King Phillip IV of Spain, begging for money to equip an expedition back to the Pacific so he can refind and claim for Spain the great south land of Australia. Recently, the library acquired the last 2 to complete their
Queiros originally came from Portugal but served Spain, so those two places provide the music for the program.
Please join me!