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by reception
posted 08/10/2015

Birdwatchers Needed for the Annual Nationwide Big White Bird Count

People all over Australia are being asked to help count some of our most loved and loathed big white birds.

On Sunday 11 October, the community is invited to participate in the annual Australian white ibis and sulphur-crested cockatoo census coordinated by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).

Dr John Martin, Wildlife Ecologist for the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney said the survey aims to better understand the numbers of these native birds, where they breed, and their habitats across Australia.

Ibis nest chicks

“The community are invited to participate in a fun day by observing native Australian birds and being more aware of local environment,” Dr Martin said.

“Getting a more accurate assessment of the ibis and cockatoo populations is only possible with community assistance, so people from all walks of life are asked to participate.

“People normally have a good knowledge of their local areas so they can help us by reporting the number of ibis and cockies they observe on this day.

“Cockatoos and ibis are native to Australia and both species have increased in numbers along the coast over the last 40 years. This increase is believed to be in response to drought and changes to the inland woodlands and wetlands.

Ibis on ground

“Both species have adapted to living within close proximity to humans and have altered their diet to include hand-outs such as bread.

“The ibis survey began in 2003, and since that time more than 2000 ibis have been colour-banded and wing-tagged to enable us to learn more about their movement behaviour.

“They have been recorded moving 30 kilometres between daily foraging sites, with fledglings found as far away as Townsville – 2500 kilometres from Sydney.”

“Since 2011, a similar study has wing-tagged 100 cockatoos at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney, and from this it appears that the cockies have only moved within 30 kilometres,” he said.

Cockatoos in trees

Participating in the survey is easy. Just head out on Sunday 11 October to wherever you may see ibis or cockatoos, count them and fill in the on-line form at:

Ibis: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/surveys/WhiteIbisSurvey.htm

Cockatoo:  https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/surveys/CockatooPopulationSurvey.htm