Global Rhythms Photos Part 3
- Almost stole the festival Grace Barbé!
- Thanks to our artist best friend Jason Wing for his amazing G L O B A L R H Y T H M S letters which everyone got busy with decorating!
- We loved this part of the festival as Grace played the children painted!
- Thanks to our sponsors especially these guys…
- Love Noelle on the drums…inspiring other young girls at the festival to start hitting!
- Jamie channelled the spirit of Jimi at times!
- Afrobrasilian Soundsystem on the wheels of steel all day!
- Go Grace!
- More smiles…
- Coopers Red please!
- Thanks to the Picton Hotel for helping run our bar all day!
- In the evening…the festival came alive!
- A great photo of Grace Barbé
- “don’t you folks go anywhere!!!” – Mc Stephanie rugging up at night…
- Mr Oud!
- So many kids at the front enjoying the Joseph Tawadros Quartet!
- Love this photo # 2
- As the sun set the park got pretty dark…
- Thanks to Afrobrasiliana Soundsystem for representing Eastside Radio on the wheels of steel
- The Strides are always a festival force to be reckoned with!
- Testify!
- Truth Speaker!