Developing Sydney Part 2: Photography with Sylvia Rosenblum
Developing Sydney is new series with Laila Ellmoos, historian with the City of Sydney and is the title of an exhibition Laila was curating at Customs House opening late March 2020. This did not go ahead. However, the exhibition is now online at:
The exhibition and the series examines Sydney 1900 – 1920 through the archives of photographs in council’s collection. It also marks a new and easier way for us to access the archives. This is the link:
In this episode of Developing Sydney, historian, Laila Ellmoos, tells us about the role of photography in documenting urban Sydney 1900 – 1920. What were the Condemnation and Demolition books? Why did council engage professional potogpraphers and who were they? Learn the story of how the original glass plate negatives survived.