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by reception
posted 26/11/2019

Work Experience at EastSide Radio

My name is Clare Cameron, I am a 16-year-old year 10 student who goes to Monte Sant Angelo and I am here at Eastside Radio for three days to complete my work experience.I have been apart of choirs since I was in primary school and take private singing lessons. I am interested in all different kinds of music without much discrimination, including musical theatre, hip hop, rap, alternative rock, dance, electronic and of course Jazz music to name a few. What I’m mainly listening to changes from week to week and I’m always finding more types of music I like. It’s safe to say that whatever I’m doing I’m most definitely listening to music while I do it, whether it’s going on a walk, writing something or doing an artwork of some sort.


I was drawn to Eastside Radio as it predominantly plays Jazz music. Eastside radio is a fairly local station to me and my dad and I end up listening to the station in the car all the time. When my dad and I were driving home one time we were talking about what I could do for work experience and were listening to Eastside radio. I had just done a concert were I sang a Jazz song and while I didn’t always listen to Jazz I enjoy it quite a bit and loved singing in that genre. My dad mentioned that Eastside Radio took in work experience and it only seemed fitting that I apply. I was interested in knowing the behind the scenes of how a radio station worked and I’ve always been interested in this kind of work since my sister briefly worked at a radio station when I was younger and also because I have a casual interest in becoming a Jazz singer one day


I consider myself extremely lucky that I am able to get this opportunity to work here. When I first came here the main thing I was hoping for was that through this experience I would ease my overall anxieties about interacting with a professional workplace, and thankful I can say that Eastside radio is definitely the right place for that. Everyone at Eastside radio is very friendly and welcoming, and everyone is happy to help if you have any questions.


My name is Ivy Leggett and I am also a year 10 student at Wenona in North Sydney, completing work experience at Eastside from the 18th – 22nd November. My favourite subjects at school are definitely art and English, not maths! I love the practical elements of art like drawing and painting and working on a big piece for a few weeks. I have always loved music since I was young, ever since my first piano and clarinet lesson in kindergarten and it’s been a big part of my life ever since. I love discovering new bands and music through friends and going to lots of live bands – mainly Australian and local.


I chose Eastside for my work experience placement as I have always been interested in the entertainment/media industry and thought of it as a possible career option for me. I think radio caters to all of my interests – such as music, creative writing and art in a really fun way. I like how Eastside is a community station, mainly reliant on volunteers, which makes the experience more personal and allows me to actually gain experience first-hand, rather than in a large mainstream station.


I hope that this work experience placement at Eastside gives me an insight into how the radio industry runs – especially behind the scenes. I would also love to get an insight into the recording process in the studio, especially when live. Overall, I hope I can better understand if a career in radio is right for me.

My name is Charles Cole, I’m a 16 year-old, year 10 student at Shore SCEGS in North Sydney. I’m here at EastSide radio for 5 days as apart of my work experience. So far it’s been a really chill environment with many personalities. Some of my interest include playing sport, especially basketball and AFL. I also play golf, rugby and work out in the gym in my spare time. When i’m not doing physical exercise you’ll find me playing music, listening to music, or something music related. I play 3 instruments: violin, piano and guitar. I also sing and perform in school plays and musicals. If you were to ask me my favourite type of music, I wouldn’t be able to tell you cause I enjoy all types of music.

The reason why I’m at East Side radio is because I’ve always had a passion for radio. I’ve always enjoyed having conversations with people about any topic and trying to find out what makes them tick. My friends and I started are own podcast in 2019 for our own personal enjoyment as well to entertain our friends. When I was looking for work experience I already had the idea in my head that I wanted to work at a radio station but a local/community one rather than a mainstream one. I had heard about East Side radio and plus my parents would occasionally listen in.  

What I hope to get out of this is the experience and what goes on inside a radio station. So far the people here have been very nice and welcoming. Hopefully I could get the opportunity to go on the air or get to use some of the equipment but so far loving the experience. Overall the main outcome is to see if radio could be a possible job in my future life and to see if i enjoy it